Wednesday, February 11, 2009

//:: Hundrerds of Whales rescued in the Philippines

If you stand right next to a fish pond and see hundreds of colorful carps. You'd probably say "Woooooowwww!" ......... But what if your standing right at the shores of Manila Bay and right in front of you are hundreds of "Mellon Headed Whales". What would you say? Or How would you react? I'd go...

"Holy Mother!!!! It's an invasion!"

A very confusing day as local fishermen and villagers from Bataan witnessed a very rare site. 250 to 300 of Mellon Headed Whales swimming towards the shallow waters of Bataan.

Pictures from Bataan, Local fishermen and villagers try to block the dolphins to keep them from heading towards the dangerous shallow waters.
Normally, dolphins & whales come to rest on the shallow waters of Bataan when they are sick or wounded. But, they say they come here alone or sometimes in pair. They haven't seen anything like this. Speculations around says they're fleeing from a "heat wave or disturbance at sea such as a major underwater earthquake or they may be following their sick or injured leader.

Here's a picture of my Sister Ana "ana bee" Borja saving a sick whale. Photo from Yahoo news.

Some of the sick whales where taken to Subic for treatment as seen on this video below...

So what caused this incident? Why would hundreds of whales flee to shallow waters? Where they really disturbed? Of what? Underwater earthquake? Or perhaps submarines from other countries? :)

Mellon Headed Whales, Ana Borja, Wildlife Conservation Program Subic, Bataan, Manila Bay, Hundreds of Whales Rescued in the Philippines //TAGS

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