Money is hard to earn specially during financial crisis. With oil prices shooting up and high inflation rate, the last place where you want your money to be. Even in such tight conditions you cant dump your vehicle can you?? No you cant and at the same time you don't to go to Caltex, Shell and Total petrol pumps over and over again. So learn to run your engine economically to improve your MPG.
Here are few tips you would love to know.
Buying a Hybrid:
Buying a hybrid would give you good economy in stop and go traffic, but if you drive daily on long roots dont go for it other wise you would have to made alteration and that would void its waranty.
Engines's Torque
The more torque your engine can produce the better the mpg would be, since you can run your car in low rpm. Thats why diesel engine give better mpg.
Dont worry about your Hemi engine any more.
Now a days hemi engines are equiped with multi displacement system which shuts off cylinder when not needed. It acts like a v8 beast again when you push the pedal.
Dont go on High speeds.
Maintain good speed and dont over shoot unless you have to climb a hill.
Automatic Transmission vs Manual
Now a days technology has improved alot and automatic cars are giving better mpg than manual, but then thas is if you are driving a merc :P. Still manual transmissions are far better since they are light and you have your own gear choice.
Watch out for those dirty air filters
Act like a nagging wife for your car, whenever you see your air filter dirty clean it up by blowing it with air. This will increase the air pressure to the engine which will increase its performance and efficiency. Use air filters from this company Advance Flow Engineering .
You can't Escape idle engine running
On traffic signals dont turn of your car, because turning it on and off would make consume more oil, so its better to put it on idle. Don't mind when you warm up your engine in the morning because colder engine consumer more gas since it takes more energy to warm it when running it.
A/C or Heaters
If there is no need of a/c or heater dont turn it on. Try turning it off on traffic signal when the engine is idle.
Seat heaters
Oooo yeah dont think they hate gas and wont consume it.
Warning warning beware of accesories
If you dont need accessories like power steering, power windows high fi, dont install them because you will see a difference of 2% in your mileage.
Don't ruin your vehicle aerodynamics by adding such carriers. Such carriers would increase air friction.
C.V.T (continuously variable technology)
Keep this technology in mind when ever you buy a vehicle. It has unlimited gears and is very efficient.
Replace Fuel Filter
Dont let your filter clogg your fuel flow. Let me tell you this in this way the engine has to work more to compensate that.
O2 Sensor
A bad o2 sensor can have bad effects on mpg to 40%. Do check the engine light, never ignore it.
Dont drive with your windows down it can increase friction.
Acclerate less
Dont step on the pedal, it will increase your rpm.
Avoid heavily traffic areas.
Engine Oil
Dont use thick engine oil atleast not more than the manufacturer has recommended.
Petrol Station
Dont go for cheap petrol, always go for stations like caltex, Shell etc.
Cold Engine
Never run a cold engine it gulps more gas and check that your thermostat is working.
High Octane
Unless you dont have a sports cars you wont need gas above 87 octane.
Brake Drag
Check that your brake calipers retract.
Change Oil
If your oil is old then change it at once since your engines get dirty and your oil will get heavy. When you change your oil change the oil filter too.
Spark Plug
Dirty spark pug misfire so do clean them after 1000km.
Air Pressures of the tires
Check its air pressure, heavy tires can reduce your economy to 4%.
Adding overdrive to the transmission
This would lower the engine rpm making it moreeconomical. You can get this kit from
Engine Power
This depends on the type of work you take from your vehicle e.g if you have a truck and you use it for offroading and you have big off-roading tires and your engine isnt compitible enough to take the load then you must swap your engine since it would take load out from the engine hence increasing mpg.
Programmable Chips
Add chips progammable chips that can adjust your vehicles ignition timing, air fuel mixture depending on your driving style. If you want speed set according to it or if you want economy then set your desire settings. You can get these chips from or
Big Tires
If you dont need huge tires dont get them. Get decent tires which not only look good but give you economy too. Huge tires add wieght and are heavy on axle.
Use Cruise Control
Speeding Statistics
Speeding more than 60 mph can cost up to $.021 more per gallon.
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